Today my postcards flew to Switzerland. They embarked on a journey anticipating to interact with other stories on their final destination. Each postcard carries already a unique story. It is written with compassion, insight and playfulness for most of my clients who ask for my psychological help. The story lands in session and invites the...
Author: Stavroula Sanida (Stavroula Sanida)
This morning my heart was open with warmth while my eyes landed on the open hands. Two dear friends* had created a nest in their palms. They were standing still in the forest with their hands stretching out to nature. Birds could choose whether to have a quick stop for a bite. No rush, no...
I am happy to announce the 4 week online experiential training in Story Writing as an Evocative Tool in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP)! Goals: Adding inspiration in the therapeutic process Offering techniques to participants in order to be more playful as therapists Stimulating creativity in the sessions with clients Enhancing the five rules in FAP...
The cooperation between Vasilis Kavouridis and Cocomat had as a result the exhibition “I am a creature“, which gave me inspiration in my sessions. Vasilis is a very inventful creature with unique interaction skills. I have the luck to know him personally and to get inspired by his art. In his last exhibition his “creatures” talked to me in...
Keeping a journal in therapy: a personal treasure, a tedious task, a compulsion, a routine, a…? I try to explain the value of it in my sessions. Some of the arguments towards my clients are: they will be helped to build more on self awareness, they will gain satisfaction from their progress, since the journal...
Thursday the 21st of June 2018. Athens, 21.30 in the night. Listening to “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zeppelin, while waiting on skype to be examined orally by Robert Kohlenberg. It is the last thing that needs to be done in order to be certified as a trainer in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP). Filed with...
When I started walking the path of Psychology as a student I had several crushes. My first love was absolutely linked to Freud. I was infatuated by his theory, his writings and psychoanalysis in general. I was fantasising of being an analyst myself and stay connected with Freud for all my life. Some years afterwards...
Before traveling to a city due to a conference I catch myself feeling anticipation. I look forward to walking around its secret places, to absorbing new knowledge, to interacting with colleagues and to reconnecting with old friends. The 46th EABCT conference in Stockholm seemed very promising. I applied without second thoughts. I was eager to go...
“Is it normal to suffer till now?”. Her look invaded in my eyes. She was so hungry for an answer. She kept wondering how it was possible to carry this pain for so many years. She thought that she was the problem. She was certain that other “normal” people don’t feel that way. Nobody had taught...
I started the English version of my site and I was excited to share my thoughts to a broader audience. I had already written articles and posts in Greek. The idea was to translate all this material into English. I read again the articles and I began to get disappointed. How would I translate all these...

Lelas Karagianni 63,