When I started walking the path of Psychology as a student I had several crushes. My first love was absolutely linked to Freud. I was infatuated by his theory, his writings and psychoanalysis in general. I was fantasising of being an analyst myself and stay connected with Freud for all my life. Some years afterwards...
Tag: <span>Psychotherapy</span>
Psychotherapy is a field so rich with narratives and stories. I use writing narratives as a clinical tool in my practice and I invite my clients to keep on writing. The synthesis of stories is not only useful in psychotherapy but in trainings as well. I was honored to be invited by Mavis Tsai, PhD, cofounder...
I offer individual therapy and online counseling to adults and adolescents. I apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and use creativity in therapy. Areas of Expertise: Abuse Anger Management Anxiety disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-OCD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety) Depression Grief & Loss Personal growth, Self-compassion, Self-esteem Personality...
“Be careful of your outfit. What you are wearing is not appropriate for a psychologist”. This remark made my polka dot skirt shrink. I was not dressed up in a provocative way. I was dressed in colors. I complied and I changed my wardrobe. Women’s suits, jackets and shirts were my new work wear. Neutrality...
The workshop “Story writing as a tool in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy” belongs to the past. The participants’ stories make the workshop alive in my memory right now. I feel grateful for the members of the group who accepted my challenge and wrote their experience after the workshop. “We communicated, we expressed ourselves. I broke my boundaries,...
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) has been founded by Robert Kohlenberg and την Mavis Tsai at the University of Washington in 1991. Its principles are linked to B.F. Skinner’s theory about Radical Behaviorism. FAP uses Behaviorism to create a safe and warm therapeutic relationship. Therapeutic relationship plays a central role. The basic assumption is that the client’s difficulties in outside relationships are going...

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