The cooperation between Vasilis Kavouridis and Cocomat had as a result the exhibition “I am a creature“, which gave me inspiration in my sessions. Vasilis is a very inventful creature with unique interaction skills. I have the luck to know him personally and to get inspired by his art. In his last exhibition his “creatures” talked to me in...
Tag: <span>Relationship</span>
When I started walking the path of Psychology as a student I had several crushes. My first love was absolutely linked to Freud. I was infatuated by his theory, his writings and psychoanalysis in general. I was fantasising of being an analyst myself and stay connected with Freud for all my life. Some years afterwards...
I offer individual therapy and online counseling to adults and adolescents. I apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and use creativity in therapy. Areas of Expertise: Abuse Anger Management Anxiety disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-OCD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety) Depression Grief & Loss Personal growth, Self-compassion, Self-esteem Personality...
Women called him an “egoist”, a “hog”. His friends admired him for his wild life. His colleagues regarded him as “lucky”. For his parents he was a butterfly. Nobody knew that he was actually alone. The truth is that he was not aware of the degree of his loneliness. Sometimes he wanted to take distance from...

Lelas Karagianni 63,