Today my postcards flew to Switzerland. They embarked on a journey anticipating to interact with other stories on their final destination. Each postcard carries already a unique story. It is written with compassion, insight and playfulness for most of my clients who ask for my psychological help. The story lands in session and invites the...
Tag: <span>Therapy</span>
The cooperation between Vasilis Kavouridis and Cocomat had as a result the exhibition “I am a creature“, which gave me inspiration in my sessions. Vasilis is a very inventful creature with unique interaction skills. I have the luck to know him personally and to get inspired by his art. In his last exhibition his “creatures” talked to me in...
Keeping a journal in therapy: a personal treasure, a tedious task, a compulsion, a routine, a…? I try to explain the value of it in my sessions. Some of the arguments towards my clients are: they will be helped to build more on self awareness, they will gain satisfaction from their progress, since the journal...
I offer individual therapy and online counseling to adults and adolescents. I apply Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and use creativity in therapy. Areas of Expertise: Abuse Anger Management Anxiety disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-OCD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety) Depression Grief & Loss Personal growth, Self-compassion, Self-esteem Personality...
“Be careful of your outfit. What you are wearing is not appropriate for a psychologist”. This remark made my polka dot skirt shrink. I was not dressed up in a provocative way. I was dressed in colors. I complied and I changed my wardrobe. Women’s suits, jackets and shirts were my new work wear. Neutrality...
Lelas Karagianni 63,