Psychotherapy is a field so rich with narratives and stories. I use writing narratives as a clinical tool in my...
Stavroula Sanida, ΜSc
Psychologist – Psychotherapist – Certified FAP Trainer

Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP)
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) has been founded by Robert Kohlenberg and την Mavis Tsai at the University of Washington in 1991. Its principles are linked to B.F....

Postcards in therapy
Today my postcards flew to Switzerland. They embarked on a journey anticipating to interact with other stories on their final...

Open Nest
This morning my heart was open with warmth while my eyes landed on the open hands. Two dear friends* had...

Training in Functional Analytic Psychotherapy
I am happy to announce the 4 week online experiential training in Story Writing as an Evocative Tool in Functional...
I am a psychologist working in private practice in Athens, Greece, since 2006. Living in a country which faces financial crisis has been a huge challenge. I have to surf daily on a rough sea. Coming from a Cognitive Behavioral background I had learnt to solve problems and change the way of thinking. However CBT tools were not sufficient during this hard period. In 2012 I met Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and it was love at first sight.
Living with Awareness Courage and Love transformed my life. I started believing in myself more, dared to show my authenticity and took the risk of applying creativity in therapy. Writing short stories for my clients is a creative vehicle for enhancing therapeutic relationship.