When I started walking the path of Psychology as a student I had several crushes. My first love was absolutely linked to Freud. I was infatuated by his theory, his writings and psychoanalysis in general. I was fantasising of being an analyst myself and stay connected with Freud for all my life. Some years afterwards...
Tag: <span>Psychotherapist</span>
Psychotherapy is a field so rich with narratives and stories. I use writing narratives as a clinical tool in my practice and I invite my clients to keep on writing. The synthesis of stories is not only useful in psychotherapy but in trainings as well. I was honored to be invited by Mavis Tsai, PhD, cofounder...
“Be careful of your outfit. What you are wearing is not appropriate for a psychologist”. This remark made my polka dot skirt shrink. I was not dressed up in a provocative way. I was dressed in colors. I complied and I changed my wardrobe. Women’s suits, jackets and shirts were my new work wear. Neutrality...
In 2006 the phone rang and I was asked to book my first session in my private practice. I asked myself: “Who am I to start working as a self emloyed psychotherapist? Do I fully meet the criteria to be a therapist?”. I had already clinical experience and knowledge. I was still wondering whether that was enough....

Lelas Karagianni 63,